For three years, my son and I lived in domestic violence shelters and couch surfed. As I began to slowly reach out for help, I came to the Hope Center. They helped us with Survival Services and housing resources. We now have an apartment that was helped furnished by the Hope Center. Through the City Quest Ministry, I have developed a personal relationship with God and attend church regularly through the transportation that is provided. God has brought me full circle and has provided every step of the way. He has used the Hope Center to provide the essentials so that my son and I can get a fresh start.
City Quest
Where saints from different organizations gather to be the hands and feet of Jesus and reach-out to those who live in apartment complexes and other isolated conditions…we meet needs and minister to those who would not normally make it to the Center. Come join us! Meet in the HC Food Bank Parking Lot on Thursday’s at 3:30pm…Blessings