Feb 7, 2017 | Stories
Nick is fairly new to the Hope Center and to Oroville. He came from Colorado, and through series unfortunate events landed on the streets. He showed up at the Hope Center after his bag was stolen with all of his belongings and ID inside. He had no idea where to even...
Feb 7, 2017 | Stories
As I stood at the back of the warehouse talking to different people. I was introduce to Randy as one of the men that is a source of information. I shook his hand and asked, “If I can ask him some questions regarding his experience at the Hope Center.” He shrugged his...
Feb 7, 2017 | Stories
I first learned of the Hope Center when I was at a church. I was having a hard time making ends meet. My wife and I had hit hard times. Both being of fixed incomes, did not help matters as our children needed food. It was that kind of period in your life where you are...
Dec 5, 2015 | Stories
I am a Vietnam Veteran and I have been homeless for 26 years. For about 5 years I have been receiving Survival Services with dedication, grace and compassion from the staff. As I developed a relationship with them, they would help me navigate all the many resources...
Dec 5, 2015 | Stories
For three years, my son and I lived in domestic violence shelters and couch surfed. As I began to slowly reach out for help, I came to the Hope Center. They helped us with Survival Services and housing resources. We now have an apartment that was helped furnished...
Dec 5, 2015 | Stories
The first time I experienced the Hope Center was through the City Quest Outreach Ministry which came and blessed our apartment complex with food, furniture and prayer. I felt so blessed by what I was seeing and the love I felt, that I wanted to give back. So I began...